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going strong


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  • going strong

    in all this cold weather,we are still getting 6/7 eggs a day from the 10 birds,and most of them are laying thru their second winter,i expected more of them to take a break from laying this year,they dont go much on the snow,only 2/3 inches,but dont seem much bothered by the cold, daft as always.everyone out there ,have a great christmas and a chook-happy new year.....xmas eve we got 9 eggs,same on xmas day and 8 on boxing day,are they celebrating xmas too?
    Last edited by BUFFS; 26-12-2010, 06:43 PM.

  • #2
    a little less

    they are now having an easier time of it, we are getting 6 or so each day ,probably be better if we had some dry weather,seems to have been wet here for weeks on end,since xmas day,loved the light sussex jumping out of coop area to try to avoid the ice, 4ft leap-lannd on bum and slide another 6ft,every day we had the icy conditions,shes not the sharpest pencil in the box


    • #3
      Ha ha, I have one that is also not the sharpest - I had to show her how to get out of the run AGAIN today as she couldn't work it out. Always her!

      Mine are laying well too. Getting 4-5 eggs a day out of 9 hens - 5 of which are around a year old. No idea how old the others are. Even had 7 two days ago but that was a fluke I think.

      They all had a spring in their step today when I let them out to trash the garden. Straight under the leylandii for a good root through the leaves and bugs. They were filthy so I hope they get a good dust bath tomorrow!



      • #4
        I'm getting one a day from all three of mine - do you give/sell the surplus eggs away? 3 a day seems just about right for us, but would like some more mind.


        • #5
          Originally posted by polo View Post
          Ha ha, I have one that is also not the sharpest - I had to show her how to get out of the run AGAIN today as she couldn't work it out. Always her!

          Mine are laying well too. Getting 4-5 eggs a day out of 9 hens - 5 of which are around a year old. No idea how old the others are. Even had 7 two days ago but that was a fluke I think.

          They all had a spring in their step today when I let them out to trash the garden. Straight under the leylandii for a good root through the leaves and bugs. They were filthy so I hope they get a good dust bath tomorrow!

          we have had days of 8 eggs from 10 chooks,but always the day after giving them boiled up spud peelings,as soon as i run out of peelings for their afternoon top-up,they start laying less,one,bitsy,or better called "miss piggy" (barred plymouth rck) will only lay sitting with her head out of the coop door,and as she is now about the biggest,the rest have to wait til she is ready to move,i let mine out in the front garden start of last week,they must have pulled up 80% of the small bulbs starting to show,took hours to put them back...wont do that again til autumn,when they clear the area of slugs etc,but as daft as they are we could not get rid of any of them...


          • #6
            Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
            I'm getting one a day from all three of mine - do you give/sell the surplus eggs away? 3 a day seems just about right for us, but would like some more mind.
            we sell some to close neighbours,we just about break even with the food bills,so that helps,but then they get carrots/cabbage etc,hung up so they have to work for it(just out of reach) and on freezing nights they get some hot/warm rice,so they dont use all their reserves just keeping warm,last year they only missed 4 eggs,this year is less,but they are older,they must have a rest sometime..and we have 2 birds that after 2 years nearly, forget how to come out of the coop area,just run up and down the wire,moaning,too stupid to follow the rest...... dont you just love them ,especially as they always seem to do it when its tipping down...guarranteed..
            Last edited by BUFFS; 15-01-2011, 07:58 PM.


            • #7
              I sell my surplus eggs to close neighbours by running an honesty box. I put the boxes on the porch window sill and they neighbours post the money through the letterbox.

              Its always nice to give them away too as little thank yous for favours etc.



              • #8
                Originally posted by polo View Post
                I sell my surplus eggs to close neighbours by running an honesty box. I put the boxes on the porch window sill and they neighbours post the money through the letterbox.

                Its always nice to give them away too as little thank yous for favours etc.

                and they all seem to notice the eggs taste better..


                • #9
                  I've given my neighbour (only have 1 neighbour immediately) two sets of eggs.. wouldn't mind breaking into selling a few, but as I'm at the end of a road no one passes my house (bar this 1 neighbour who uses our side gate to save walking out down and around the estate). May try at work.. although I've seen an advert on our bulletin board for some one already selling 1/2 a dozen for £1.50... I'll have to come in at a quid hehe


                  • #10
                    golden eggs?

                    Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
                    I've given my neighbour (only have 1 neighbour immediately) two sets of eggs.. wouldn't mind breaking into selling a few, but as I'm at the end of a road no one passes my house (bar this 1 neighbour who uses our side gate to save walking out down and around the estate). May try at work.. although I've seen an advert on our bulletin board for some one already selling 1/2 a dozen for £1.50... I'll have to come in at a quid hehe
                    we sell our eggs,now at the large size, @ £1 per half dozen,when i went to get more pellets this week they were selling large eggs @ £1.95 for half dozen, we will stay as we are, as the main buyer from us looks after them when we go on our hols,we give her all the eggs and she wont take any payment for doing it.....we do have great neighbours..


                    • #11
                      My food supplier sells eggs (and chickens etc) and tells me they are putting up their prices as feed prices have gone up so much. My cousin bought some medium supermarket free range and pays £1.67 for 6! No wonder all OHs colleagues are queuing up for my very large ones at £1 for 6! My bantam eggs are popular too at £1 a dozen!


                      • #12
                        Good prices Sue. I've just put mine up to £1.20 for 6 from £1.00 and no-one batted an eyelid. That's why if the supermarkets are that expensive!


                        • #13
                          a pal of mine sells her large eggs at work - £1/half dozen, and no shortage of takers! I'll try my banty eggs when I'm snowed under in summer too, but at half the price - women like them for their kids, as they're the 'right' size.....


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jessmorris View Post
                            a pal of mine sells her large eggs at work - £1/half dozen, and no shortage of takers! I'll try my banty eggs when I'm snowed under in summer too, but at half the price - women like them for their kids, as they're the 'right' size.....
                            Sell bantams as "salad eggs" or even "diet eggs" to help the New Year dieters!


                            • #15
                              I have'nt had an egg from my girls for weeks.......2 of the girls have not had a laying season yet and Daisy went into a moult so no eggs from her, have been buying my eggs from a girls in the village who has chooks too £1 / 6 .
                              We think they are Rhode island red hybrids due to their laying capacity. She has had her's since april last year when she bought them at pol and they have been laying since without a break. amazing really that throughout all snow and bad weather they continued to lay !


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