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  • Turkeys

    Hi All

    I hatched some Turkey eggs in august to have for the table at Christmas.
    Initially 6 hatched but I went on holiday for a week left them for someone else to care for and when I came back there where only two left.
    They where slate bronze x and initially they started on Turkey Crumb. I then moved them on to Turkey growers followed by Finishers. All in all they had a bag of crumb a bag of growers and two bags of finishers which all in cost about �25. I dispatched them the other day plucked them and for the first time ever butchered them as well (which went really well). One weighs 14lb and the other 16lb. I went past the butchers the other day and he is charging �30 per bird for that weight for what he says are free range non commercial breeds. They have been no trouble to look after(other than getting them in at night) and where less demanding than the chickens. When it came to plucking them this was more difficult than chickens the skin teared a little easier so it took longer. Just wanted to share my experiance as a first time turkey rearer and will deffinatley do it again
    Last edited by walldanzig; 23-12-2010, 07:53 AM.

  • #2
    well done, I think (I'm a veggie, but I do approve of home-reared, welfare meat)
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      Well done you. That's a good weight and it's interesting to know your costs. And the best part is yet to come ...... the eating!!


      • #4
        I've raised turkeys for Christmas for the last few years. Before I didn't like turkey at all but love my own. Usually Bronze but this year lavender ^ Red Bourbon. They have escapwed the chop as we decided to have beef this year instead, reared by a friend.

        On plucking we find plucking warm is best.

        Enjoy your dinner !


        • #5
          Thanks All now i'm comfortable with the whole process I'm going to keep meat birds next year and do turkeys again


          • #6
            Really appeals to me.. if I had a larger garden I'd do it.. I think like you said it's getting ove the first hurdle (dispatch), after that I'm sure it's much eaiser?

            I watched jimmys food factory for xmas turkey rearing last night - really put me off buying them for xmas!


            • #7
              Mine is still hanging - I haven't weighed him yet but I think he will be a heavy one!


              • #8
                Our 8 ranged from 8.5lbs to 15.5lbs... I would have preferred them heavier, but I think the exceedingly cold weather had something to do with it!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by OverWyreGrower View Post
                  Our 8 ranged from 8.5lbs to 15.5lbs... I would have preferred them heavier, but I think the exceedingly cold weather had something to do with it!!
                  When did they hatch? I like mine hatched by April so that they have around nine months to grow


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
                    When did they hatch? I like mine hatched by April so that they have around nine months to grow
                    They were August hatch, but are Whites, so grow a lot quicker than Bronzes/Blacks....

                    Last years birds (hatched earlier) were monsters, at the 24lb and above mark!


                    • #11
                      I may hatch next year in April next year but they got up to a decent size in August


                      • #12
                        I have to admit I have 'chickened' out of eating our 2 turkeys we hatched in the summer. They are both good sizes but SO ENDEARING! Cranberry always runs when he sees I have a cup of tea - to 'share' - mind you he pecked me hard on the bottom this morning so he did get a warning about the fact I might have to change my mind.....
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by petal; 24-12-2010, 09:03 AM.


                        • #13
                          My turkeys are OK & friendly until spring/mating time then I hate them,vicious nasty beasties !


                          • #14
                            Well done Walldanzig, we have raised meat chickens but have never Turkeys, there is something about raising your own once you get over the squeamish bit!
                            You know they had the best care and the end was not stressful.
                            Everything on our Christmas plate is grown or raised by us, not the pud though!!
                            I hope you enjoy, Merry Christmas.


                            • #15
                              walldanzig - happy to hear the turkeys were a success, we reared 150 this year (mainly Norfolk Black, Slate, Crollwitzer, Bronze and Bourbons). after plucking and drawing that lot we opted for pork at christmas as i never wanted to see another turkey!

                              Have kept around 20 hens back for breeding again for 2011.

                              we achieved weights between 10 - 20lbs depending on breed etc, and ended up selling locally, through a wholesale market (which covered our costs) and also ended up couriering some to Preston and Surrey!

                              we gave one away in a competition as well and the lady who won it was ever so pleased.

                              Diary of a penny pincher
                              scroll down to the turkey picture to see the confirmation of a 14lb bronze hen when dressed
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