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Suffolk with the snuffles


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  • Suffolk with the snuffles

    I have a little Pied Suffolk pullet which I bought in November.

    She keeps getting a cold, you can see her runny nose and hear her snuffleing. It always happens after she has been wet in the rain. I popped her into an indoor run with one of my old girls and it clears up, the troble is when she goes back with the big girls she gets hammered

    What do I do; leave her with the old girl until the weather warms up [august!!!!!?] so that she is not on cold wet ground or just keep her with the big girls.

    She's a sweet little thing, always over the fence to greet you in the morning [afternoon & eve] trots alongside like a dog and is in first when you open the door to the house or car! Looks like alittle black crow

  • #2
    Put some garlic (freshly crushed cloves) in the drinking water, I find that clears up any snuffles really quickly. If she keeps on going down with it though I would be tempted to keep her permanently separate in sheltered quarters with the old hen for company.


    • #3
      I think I will pop her in with my old girl, don't know whether the old girl will like that as she can be a real old cow with newbies. Hopefully little crow will bulk up and be able to hold her own against the other girls when she eventually goes back with them.

      By the way I do give the dried garlic with their pellets twice a week along with cod liver oil once a week. is it better to use real garlic in the water?


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