So sorry to hear the news Polo.
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Light sussex
The deed has been done this morning with the minimum of fuss by my friend. She wasn't getting better at all. Not as bad as I expected but feel really sad she only managed a year.
ON the upshot, I now feel quite confident I could cull if I had to next time. I think its nice to have the knowledge in case you really need it.
I really want to do a post mortem to try and work out what went wrong - sorry if this is too gruesome! Does anyone have any tips on how to dissect to be able to view the digestive tract properly?
Thanks, Polo
I found a fabulous site a few months back but I am having trouble finding it!!
Heres one
and another edited by Scarlet; 28-01-2011, 10:25 PM.
Thanks Scarlet, Very useful. I have just done the post mortem and the only thing I could find that looked slightly abnormal was the gizzard had two largish lumps, one on either side. It certainly didn't feel uniform all the way around. I'm not sure if this normal or not?
The rest looked fine to me although I was surprised at how large the liver was - again, I wonder if this is normal and will search the net.
I'm just very glad I didnt find anything very obviously fixable! I also have pictures if anyone is interested (I got them for the vet). Not sure whether to put them up or email, they are rather graphic if you are squeamish.
WARNING -Post mortem photos, please don't look if you're squeamish.
Hi, PM photos below.
1st one is the crop - I didn't remove it - just cut into it. Just the remains of breakfast in there - no compaction or debris. All looked healthy pink if a little large.
2nd - difficult to describe - head is towards the bottom of picture and I was trying to show the bright red stuff. I think this something to do with the lungs although not sure at all. Liver on top - do you think that looks healthy?
3rd - the inside of the gizzard. It was full of sweetcorn and porridge - so hadn't been in there longer than 2 days. (this was about the only thing she would eat) Didn't feel compacted or stuck. About 5 small stones for grinding. The Gizzard walls felt lumpy - more than you would expect from the internal layer of yellow. Felt really thick and tough. - again don't know if this is normal or whether the walls should feel quite smooth.
4th - you can see the kidneys at the bottom (i think) and the remains of the oviduct - I think!
Don't have photos of the intestines (could get them tomorrow) but felt all along them and they were ok. NO obvious lumps or bumps. The ovary was normal I think but no eggs in formation and no yolks present. I didn't think she had laid since early December.
Haven't checked the trachea as I reckoned food was getting down there ok. Didn't see any fluid that shouldn't be there or infection.
Did I miss anything obvious? I would really recommend doing this, it puts your mind at rest and you learn loads about anatomy. BTW - my 10 year old was taking the pictures. She was fascinated and I think it helped her deal with the death lots too.
Well cant comment on the pics except ta much..they'll be useful for reference.
The only thought I have (having only read this today) is that there has been a lot of mycroplasma around this/last year, and it causes VERY strong/different smelling poo. It went through my flockand some of my chooks had it bad (lost some) and some not too bad, caused weight loss/loss of appetite in them. Symptoms would normally include snotty nose, swollen face and runny eyes..with the eyelid drooping and bubbles of fluid in the corners. However my less affected hadnt got the bubbles, and did recover, and are now normal and laying fine.
Treatment would be TYLAN.
No use to you now but at least you'll know what it is if it comes your way at any point in the future.Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door
Sorry you lost her but it was the right decision. I asked my husband to look at your photos but he couldn't see anything obviously untoward. Well done you though for going ahead and doing your own PM. I'm afraid I don't know much about lymphoid leukosis (other than what I've read about) and certainly none of my birds have ever had it.
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