I think I may have 'broke' her!
I dunked her in a bucket of water on Saturday and Sunday (checked she was dry before letting her back in coop) - man I never realised chickens could cry louder than a baby!!
Yeah she didn't like it, and both times after coming out of the bucket after a good soaking she acted "normal". This morning, went to let them out - no daft clucking or fluffing up, she wasn't in the nest box or ont he ground (mind you I've covered the floor and nest box in bricks)and just trotted out, looked at me and waiting for me to put the food down.
Fingers crossed!
Now then, all you men reading - the answer to that "broody" time of the month is just to chuck em in a bath of cold water! hehe

I dunked her in a bucket of water on Saturday and Sunday (checked she was dry before letting her back in coop) - man I never realised chickens could cry louder than a baby!!
Yeah she didn't like it, and both times after coming out of the bucket after a good soaking she acted "normal". This morning, went to let them out - no daft clucking or fluffing up, she wasn't in the nest box or ont he ground (mind you I've covered the floor and nest box in bricks)and just trotted out, looked at me and waiting for me to put the food down.
Fingers crossed!

Now then, all you men reading - the answer to that "broody" time of the month is just to chuck em in a bath of cold water! hehe