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Egg colour variance - gradient style


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  • Egg colour variance - gradient style

    Does a non-uniform egg colour signify anything out of the ordinary? My black rock is healthy as far as I can tell no signs of mites, lice - been through my birds entire bodies checking yesterday - or anything that I can tell... bright eyed, bushy tails etc!

    The pointy end of the egg is the usual brown colour, sometimes with a few speckles on - but towards the fat end of the end the colour kind of lightens up and the brown at the very end is much lighter compared to the pointy end. Only noticed it recently, perhaps in the past 3/4 days (eggs are fine all the same).

    Diet is layers pellets, and my lawn/veg/whatever else they can get to by ruining my garden Recently though, they have been eating a lot of worms - would that affect it? I've dug a stump out and they have literally been spending half a day there, over the past 3/4 days pulling worms up and going through the soil I dug out eating them (almost being decapitated by the spade a few times too).... which is why I'm wondering if it is them. The soil I've pulled up is very clay-y, thought perhaps if the worms have this in them and they're eating the may be down to that?

    Can't seem to turn anything up by googling so can only assume its either diet related, or she's lacking in some mineral that produces the colour of the shell?


  • #2
    Maybe her ink cartridge is running low!
    I doubt if there's anything to worry about though. I've noticed this sometimes with mine. Doesn't appear to affect egg quality.
    Last edited by Suechooks; 21-02-2011, 02:18 PM.


    • #3
      I wouldn't worry about it, just enjoy the contents
      My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


      • #4
        I've kept them off the ever-growing pile of earth that seems to be worm central, and the eggs are back to normal now.. wonder if that was indeed something to do with it?


        • #5
          I had one egg like that- about 8 bands of different widths and slightly different shades.
          Never had it before nor since.
          Mine freerange

          I've got a piccie of it somewhere- did you take one??
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • #6
            I've had a look on google too- and found a couple of piccies of two toned eggs
            One is a Marans coming into lay and switching on her colouring....
            Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à

            ( the piccie is too bit to post)

            and this one was apparently laid slowly ( getting stuck for a while)

            So my thoughts are maybe my egg was sort of laid bit by bit????
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • #7
              nah didn't take any photos.. I guess it was similar to that expect, no distinctive band - thanks


              • #8
                I often get one just like that - I assumed it was one of my Batties' ink cartridge running out!
                All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                • #9
                  I think I may have found out why... Picked this one yesterday morning, literally as soon as it was laid:

                  It was still wet, and where it was lying in the wet (presumably the bloom stuff) it was stained lighter. Picked it up and watch a band of it run down the egg. I blew it to dry it off, and it dried lighter - took the quick snap above.

                  could it be the hen is producing more of this protective layer due to her laying ever larger eggs, which in turn is causing the lighter colour?


                  • #10
                    One of my chickens laid one like this and it's exactly like you said it's still wet and that drips down and discolour the shell. And our chickens also love worms but I really don't think that affects them.


                    • #11
                      It's only 1 of my hens that does it, wet behind the ears (and botty it seems!) I guess!


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