Echo my black rock. maran cross layed her first egg today and it was an odd shape a bit elongated...... but it turned out to be a doube yoker, which I have never seen before. The shell was not quite chocolate brown but fairly dark , just wondering will she lay more doubles ?
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First egg- double yoker
yay! my black rock lays a double yolker probably once a month now, at the start she laid them quite often - had about 3 a week.
It's a mix up when the egg is being made, so will sort itself out but they're great for us! Bonus boiled eggI had the start of a triple yolker - that egg was HUGE. No idea how she popped that out.
Well done that girl!! I'm hoping for a nice dark brown egg from my new Rhode Rock 'lizzie' soonest. I was watching her yesterday - she is so pretty lovelycolours and the largest brown melty eyes. ~Anyway her ears are quite dark and i've heard thats an indication of egg colour.
FrancesbeanMy Square Foot Gardening Experiment Blog :
Originally posted by country chic View PostWell thats my Hazel ( Welsummer ) laying now too, funny how they both went into their first lay within days of each other. we got a lovely little chocolate, reddy, brown egg from her today, perfect egg shape but small and cute.
Never had a double yolker yet even though the ex-batts have laid some woppers in their time.
Originally posted by frias View PostRose, my Welsummer hasn't laid for 6 months. Viola the Speckledy came back into lay this week so hopefully not got to wait much longer.
Never had a double yolker yet even though the ex-batts have laid some woppers in their time.
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