PS just checked my pekin broody and she's got lice. Yuk. Have dusted her with flea powder and hope it will do the trick.
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What are you currently incubating/brooding?
Originally posted by jessmorris View PostPS just checked my pekin broody and she's got lice. Yuk. Have dusted her with flea powder and hope it will do the trick.
Originally posted by grenhouse View PostWell I now have 5/5 indian game which have hatched, including the one which had to b cellotaped up 10 days ago as she cracked it! :-)Didn't know you could do that. I cracked one of my Buff Orp eggs, so I put it in the 'eating' tray. Too late now, I guess, it's been cold, and t'others are on day 4.
Last edited by Glutton4...; 22-05-2011, 11:05 AM.All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.
I didn't know either. I chucked 2 the day before which she trampled on!!!! I didn't think it would work to be honest but yay! Have some due to hatch from my buff orp on saturday, cream legbars under the other 2 broody's and the quail are going in the incy on Thurs.....can only fit 60 in it though!!
With their chicks only 9 weeks old two of my bantams are broody AGAIN! One has taken up residence under a broody coop, the other has made a nest under a bush. I'm amazed they're ready to incubate again, they've only been chick free for a few weeks....and the weather is C**P as well so they must be gettin' soaked...............
Now I'm tempted..maybe some red silkies, or lovely silver laced wyandottes.....
Originally posted by jessmorris View PostBlimey!
With their chicks only 9 weeks old two of my bantams are broody AGAIN! One has taken up residence under a broody coop, the other has made a nest under a bush. I'm amazed they're ready to incubate again, they've only been chick free for a few weeks....and the weather is C**P as well so they must be gettin' soaked...............
Now I'm tempted..maybe some red silkies, or lovely silver laced wyandottes.....
Blimey! One of my modern girls was champing at the bit when her chick was very wee, she eventually jumped ship and I had to put the chick with another broody (who luckily accepted her!)....and my silkin actively chases away her chicks (7 weeks old) who she doesn't even seem to recognise. they're so hormonal these birds!
By the way do your Indian Game go broody? Having dealt with a tiny old english game bantam defending her chicks, I did think of you and you big girls!
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