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What are you currently incubating/brooding?


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  • well, tonight I am going to candle the eggs we decided to incubate after the fox took old daisy off them this week- fingers crossed they have survived being chilled - ducks do leave their eggs for ages after all....


    • Victoria Plum and her millefleur babies

      Victoria Plum hatched 6 out of 6 bought in fertile eggs. Sadly one died during night 1, but the others are doing very well. She's a great mother.
      Attached Files


      • Awwwww Sweeeeet!

        Day 18 for me, so I just wrapped the eggs and bundled them up carefully in our duvet (Goose Down), whilst I cleaned the incy and got it back up to temperature and increased the humidity. Then I bunged 'em in. No more turning! Can't wait!!!!!
        All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
        Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


        • 5 more sleeps for Phoebe the bantam Orp and her Copper Blue Marans eggs! Getting eggsited now!
          Only problem is they've not been candled so no idea how many we can reasonably expect.


          • I haven't candled either, Sue. Decided to wait and see ...
            All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
            Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


            • 5 more sleeps for my cream Legbars too. I also have 56 quail which are due in 12 days from the incy. Went to the auction yesterday and 7 x 10 week old cream legbar girls went for �24. Had to stop myself but that was mega cheap! Have to remind that I have 5 2wk old indian game, 3 1 week old faverolles and 4 1 week old creveceurs!



              • Well, the cream legbars. Bought 12 eggs from an auction for �3, both broodies are small so only took 5 eggs each. This morning we have 9 alltogether and 1 pipping. Upto now 5 girls and 4 boys!



                • How lucky are you Steve! Out of 6 eggs I ended up with 1 girl! And the same with my Araucanas I think! Both lots hatched 5/6! Am hoping my Marans are more female - 6/6 there, and the Partridge Orps 3/6!


                  • Well, it's day 24 for my Orps. So far I have 2 Buffs out of 11 eggs, and 4 Jubilees from 12 eggs, not a good hatch rate, but my first attempt with an incubator. I have one more pipped but it appears to have given up. I'll leave it on until this evening, and check them to see if it was low fertility or not. Hopefully it wasn't anything I did, I shall feel really awful if all the eggs are full of big fat dead chicks...

                    The one I assisted, is a bit of a weakling. I know, I know - I just couldn't leave it there struggling. It's in the brooder with the others and is running about and eating, so fingers crossed.

                    Better luck next time. Yes, there will be a next time - I'm bloody hooked now...
                    Last edited by Glutton4...; 11-06-2011, 08:30 PM.
                    All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                    Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                    • Its addictive G4...

                      WE have 6 Silver and Gold laced Sebrights in the incubator, candled them at day 8 and looks like we have 5 out of 6 fertile. Giving the other one a few more days just incase. Not bad for an Ebay purchase.

                      I have heard they have a poor hatchability rate, so fingers crossed.
                      Little ol' me

                      Has just bagged a Lottie!
                      Oh and the chickens are taking over my garden!
                      FIL and MIL -


                      • I have just put in 6 seramas, 6 polish and 6 auracuna.


                        • *whispers : I brought some bantam eggs home from someone's garden today, intending to eat them. RustyLady told me they might be fertilised, so now I can't eat them can I? Have popped one under my broody parrot and one under the guinea pigs
                          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                          • blimey, of course you can, I hope!!!!!!!! provided they were fresh laid and collected on the same day, they are fine!!!!


                            • So what happened Two Sheds?? How did the guineapig fare as chook mother? ;-)

                              I am incubating 4 Amrock and 1 Amrock x CL at the mo...My last hatch this year as its gettin' chilly.



                              • Im hatching a dubious batch of elongated Buff laced wyandotte banty eggs..... fingers crossed

                                And yes T.S do tell, did you get any banties?
                                Little ol' me

                                Has just bagged a Lottie!
                                Oh and the chickens are taking over my garden!
                                FIL and MIL -


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