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What are you currently incubating/brooding?


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  • #46
    Originally posted by Hilary B View Post
    Stored in near ideal conditions eggs may remain hatchable for 2 weeks, but there WILL be a higher failure rate than with fresher ones.
    What qualifies as near ideal conditions?
    Happy Gardening,


    • #47
      A cool room, turn eggs a little(tilt) regularly collected eggs? Discard dirty eggs.
      i personally do not put any in the incubator that are beyond 7 days.


      • #48
        Someone very generous gave me 16 mixed bantam eggs today - barred, silver laced and buff wyandottes, one porcelain pooter and white silkies (we will share the hatching if there's a alot of nice pullets). How lovely! And my second broody has been sitting for 3 days so is stuck fast and ready......roll on tomorrow night!


        • #49
          I bought my brinsea 40 octagen. You can get 48 eggs in it. Yipee!


          • #50
            Disappointed with my cream legbar hatch - out of six eggs only two made it, and they are both cocks. Fingers crossed for the next one, due off in a fortnight.


            • #51
              currently in my brooder are:-

              aylesbury ducklings
              salmon faverolle
              Indian Game

              In the incy i have light sussex, barbu d'uccle, barbu d'anvers and .......chocolate naked necks!
              My Blog


              • #52
                Just hatched 4 out of 6 Appenzellers in the incubator :-)
                Got 6 Gold Laced Orpington and 6 Mottled Java on the go now.


                • #53
                  Mmm, I've been looking on Fleabay for gold laced orp banties, Somerset is deffo a hotspot for them! Too far for me though - I hope you have a good hatch!


                  • #54
                    jessmorris, join practical poultry forum, you can get any hatching egg there and more of a guarantee that they will actually hatch!
                    By some sort of miracle some of the duck eggs survived the chicktec ova melt down and are hatching. only 4 quail hatched. Got polands pipping. By monday my 2 x 20 egg capacity incubators will get a good clean and the brinsea 40 should arrive. I have therefore started to collect: silkie, pekin, buff orpington, buff sussex, sablepoot, silver laced wyandotte, araucanaxsilkie, gold brahma.They are laying like crazy!(20 of these hatched this week too, excellent fertility except the brahmas...).)I have runner ducks and khaki campbells on way to fill 1 incubator. I am hunting down tnn bantam eggs, derbyshire redcap eggs too!


                    • #55
                      I am currently incubation out first batch. We picked up 6 light sussex eggs at the local poultry auction for �6!

                      They will be for the freezer
                      Little ol' me

                      Has just bagged a Lottie!
                      Oh and the chickens are taking over my garden!
                      FIL and MIL -


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by petal View Post
                        jessmorris, join practical poultry forum, you can get any hatching egg there and more of a guarantee that they will actually hatch!
                        By some sort of miracle some of the duck eggs survived the chicktec ova melt down and are hatching. only 4 quail hatched. Got polands pipping. By monday my 2 x 20 egg capacity incubators will get a good clean and the brinsea 40 should arrive. I have therefore started to collect: silkie, pekin, buff orpington, buff sussex, sablepoot, silver laced wyandotte, araucanaxsilkie, gold brahma.They are laying like crazy!(20 of these hatched this week too, excellent fertility except the brahmas...).)I have runner ducks and khaki campbells on way to fill 1 incubator. I am hunting down tnn bantam eggs, derbyshire redcap eggs too!
                        Good grief! Where are you going to put them all?


                        • #57
                          Oh, you should see my new pens, electric fencing, I have been busy. I will keep the best pullets, eat the cockerels and the rest have customers waiting!!


                          • #58
                            Sorry, but my silkie has gone broody. Sat on a batch of eggs, mostly silkie, but an odd sablepoot, a couple of barred wyandotte and 2 cream legbar x festher (well the legs lay well and it is most likely to produce blue egg layers), and one black copper maran x festher (testing her fertility, cos I know he's fertile). So far she seems totally happy and has failed to work out that the dirty great big blue and terracotta eggs couldn't possibly be hers .
                            Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


                            • #59
                              The result of 6 eggs of unknown breed was 2 chicks and 4 non fertile eggs. Will have to try again when I get another broody!
                              Last edited by roitelet; 20-03-2011, 01:48 PM.
                              Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


                              • #60
                                Got a show girl folks! (tnn bantam cross silkie!) it is very, very cute.


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