As you know we have a peacock named Albert....well....
Last night about an hour after the chooks had been locked up for the night I nipped outside to put something in the bin.
Out of the corner of my eye ( it was a moonlit night) I noticed something moving
( fox alert jumped to mind
But no- it was Albert fanning and fluttering his tail at the wall of the house.
Normally he'd be in the tree roosting when it's gone dark so it was rather weird him doing that- esp as the chooks had been locked away.
I came indoors and mentioned this weird behaviour to my OH- who burst out laughing saying that he's put an old mirror against the wall in the hope that Albert would stop flirting to himself in his clean, shiny car (pecking and tap dancing on it )and flirt at the mirror
Little did he think that Albert was so in love with himself that he'd forget to go to bed once it was dark!!!
Daft little thing!!
Last night about an hour after the chooks had been locked up for the night I nipped outside to put something in the bin.
Out of the corner of my eye ( it was a moonlit night) I noticed something moving

But no- it was Albert fanning and fluttering his tail at the wall of the house.
Normally he'd be in the tree roosting when it's gone dark so it was rather weird him doing that- esp as the chooks had been locked away.
I came indoors and mentioned this weird behaviour to my OH- who burst out laughing saying that he's put an old mirror against the wall in the hope that Albert would stop flirting to himself in his clean, shiny car (pecking and tap dancing on it )and flirt at the mirror

Little did he think that Albert was so in love with himself that he'd forget to go to bed once it was dark!!!
Daft little thing!!
