Just being thinking....
My bantams weigh about 1/4 of that of the Marans- and yet the eggs are half their size- and they lay more often.
Does that make them twice as good value for money when you think of how much feed they're getting.
Also I can fit 2 banties on the perch where a Marans sits- so does that make them 4x more value for money????
I know it's not really about value for money but it's certainly something to think about!!

My bantams weigh about 1/4 of that of the Marans- and yet the eggs are half their size- and they lay more often.
Does that make them twice as good value for money when you think of how much feed they're getting.
Also I can fit 2 banties on the perch where a Marans sits- so does that make them 4x more value for money????
I know it's not really about value for money but it's certainly something to think about!!