I now have two X nine week olds bunked up with six X six week olds in my hexagon hut at the allotment.
After about three weeks or so, I'll have another shuffle round and give them a bit of external run space.
The hut has windows, the floor is elevated and I leave the door open when I'm there with a bit of mesh over the front. If it was a bit warmer I would jam the door open and leave the mesh there permanently but its a bit too much to ask that the new arrivals, straight from a cage in a warm spare bedroom, have a drafty hut. For now the door stays shut at night time.
Out of the eight in total I reckon about half are cockerels.
So in total that means I have eight cockerels at various ages!

After about three weeks or so, I'll have another shuffle round and give them a bit of external run space.
The hut has windows, the floor is elevated and I leave the door open when I'm there with a bit of mesh over the front. If it was a bit warmer I would jam the door open and leave the mesh there permanently but its a bit too much to ask that the new arrivals, straight from a cage in a warm spare bedroom, have a drafty hut. For now the door stays shut at night time.
Out of the eight in total I reckon about half are cockerels.
So in total that means I have eight cockerels at various ages!
