I have four flocks of chooks with a cockerel in each and four young cockerels about three months old in another flock with four hens (all from the same hatch)
As the runs are coops are next door to each other and I have opening flaps between them so I can mix and match I was wondering whether I could do away with the divisions and let them all run tigether?
The only one I have misgivings about is Sid who is an alpha male and is a nasty bit of work.
Will they be ok or will it turn into one giant cock fight........with casualties?
Is eight cockerels with 24 hens feasible?
As the runs are coops are next door to each other and I have opening flaps between them so I can mix and match I was wondering whether I could do away with the divisions and let them all run tigether?
The only one I have misgivings about is Sid who is an alpha male and is a nasty bit of work.
Will they be ok or will it turn into one giant cock fight........with casualties?

Is eight cockerels with 24 hens feasible?