Please can you help or advise i have 4 ex battery hens all happy and content laying regular and this morning there all out scrathing etc and my kids (as per usual) are out there with them they came in for some toast (the kids) and they ve gone back out and one is missing they have searched high and low in the garden which has 6 ft fencing around it - after they had a look around they checked our 10 foot which they went all up and down it and no sign this was only 5 minutes they were away from them !!!
This is at 9.30 am this morning are there any predators that would take such a large bird in broad daylight? there is supposedly no signs of feathers - the 2 of the other hens have stayed nearer the coop and popping in and out which is unusual for them this time of day
This is at 9.30 am this morning are there any predators that would take such a large bird in broad daylight? there is supposedly no signs of feathers - the 2 of the other hens have stayed nearer the coop and popping in and out which is unusual for them this time of day