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Advice please


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  • Advice please

    My husband bought me 4 chickens in June 2010 that were 40 weeks old, unfortunately one died within a couple of months but the remaining 3 have been healthy and happy and since their arrival they have laid an egg each every day. Sadly one of them unexpectedly died overnight on Thursday and the others have not laid since although they are eating as normal. I would like to introduce another 2 chickens but have been told this is not adviseable as the existing chickens will fight with them. Is this correct?

  • #2
    I wouldn't introduce any new chickens until the 2 you have start laying eggs again.

    As soon as you introduce new chickens there is always a bit of fighting for a few days or a week or so while the 'pecking order' is established. I have done this a number of times, just keep an eye that the newbies don't get too beaten up. However calm soons descends on them all. My only advice would be to make sure you introduce more that 1 new chicken at a time, as they will have each other as buddies until things settle down.


    • #3
      If you decide to have more then try and house them next to your existing birds for a couple of weeks to let them get used to each other and also to ensure the ones you bring in aren't harbouring any illnesseswhich would pass on to your old hens. I usually do this for a few weeks then let them free range together for another week or so before they all mingle in the run. Ensure you have somewhere for the new girls to get away and extra feeders and drinkers so they're not being driven off food and drink.


      • #4
        As above really. I do think that people panic way too much when introducing new birds, it's like anything new! New stepmum/dad gets hammer from kids for a bit, new kid at school, it's only the same! I have always added mine at night when they are roosting. Rather than using a feeder for the first week or so I scatter the feed which keeps them all occupied for a bit and makes sure that everyone gets some! Have a couple of drinkers set up like suechooks says aswell. Having them in a pen next to your chooks could help, although it is something I have never done!
        Sorry to hear about the one you have lost, but get these girls some nice friends and they will be very thankful!



        • #5
          i stuck 3 pure breeds in with the 3 ex batts at night and they never noticed. Later I put the 2 rescue warrens in with the 3 pure breeds, again at night and again they didnt notice. However I had a young rescue cockrel fostered for a few days, again put in at night and the poor lad went through hell as they beat him up and seperated out to stop him getting at the extra food and water. Horrible things females.....!


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