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RIP Cagney - Lacey is all alone. What should I do?


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  • RIP Cagney - Lacey is all alone. What should I do?

    I came home today to find Cagney had died in the run. Poor girl. She was a little lethargic yesterday and has been laying soft,shell-less eggs for a little while although it was suggested this was because she was end of lay.

    My issue is now Lacey is on her own. I intend to get her a companion or more probably 2 but this may take a few days. I know chickens are social and need company but are their any steps I can take to make things easier for Lacey for the next few days until friends can be found. I really wanted to disinfect the coop and run properly before getting new girls but this would mean Lacey alone for longer possibly. I have stuffed a fleecy hot water bottle cover with straw and put that next to her in the coop tonight for warmth and a presence - is this a good idea?

    Any suggestions welcome. Also having read other posts and for future reference, could the soft eggs be a calcuim deficiency? How would I know and what would increase their intake?

    Thanks - first loss so a bit of a new experience.

  • #2
    Firstly - sorry to hear Cagney has died. The first loss is very hard.
    Lacey will be ok fo a while till you get the coop cleaned out and sorted. Its living alone long-term that is not ideal. Then go for 2 new girls so you're not left with 1 again when the inevitable happens.
    As for the soft shelled eggs - its something that tends to happen at then end of their laying life, particularly if they're hybids and/or ex-batts. As long as they have a balanced diet - ie. 99% layers pellets with a little treat at the end of the day - and as long as they're getting sufficient Vit D (sunshine and occasional codliver oil anyway)they should utilise the calcium which is in the layers pellets.
    Hope you get sorted ok. Good luck!


    • #3
      Thanks Sue. She did seem fine this morning when I opened up - just a little quiet. She'll have 2 new friends in due course.

      They are hybrids so hopefully that should be all that is causing the soft eggs then at their age. The diet and sunshine are as you recommended so that is reassuring!


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