by the time himself sorts my allotment run and broody coop out it will be Easter, but I am still researching. In peoples experience what makes the best broody? My internet wanderings suggest a Silkie X Light sussex as they have silkys maternal nature and hard feathers.Are they easy to get hold of? Are they as fiesty and hard for other birdsto intimidate as a Silkie? Think I prefer large Silkie not bantam as they may sometimes have to mix with the layers at home...I may bring them home to brood or to overwinter too, so a laid back breed would be best. Havent decided yet. All our hens are handled often, used to changes of routine etc and are pretty much pets. Even tough I intend to eat the foster chicks I would foresee our broody hens (id like 2) being the same.What have other people found?
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best broody breeds
I've got three wyandotte banties who just keep taking it in turns
I'm planning on crossing my biggest silkie cockeral with my only buff cochin hen. She goes broody often enough and sits well, and will cover more eggs than my banties.Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door
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