Sorry me again........ another question.......
Hatching eggs through post, let them rest for a day?
Then in incubator with out turning for a day?
Why cant they rest in the inccy for a day?
I have had 6 bantam eggs arrive today, ideally I would like then in the self turner which I put the other eggs, that had rested for a day, in today. I am not going to turn them til tomorrow.
Is it best I just leave to banty's and put them in another incubator tomorrow?
Can I shove them in the self turner that the others have been in for a couple of hours?
Hatching eggs through post, let them rest for a day?
Then in incubator with out turning for a day?
Why cant they rest in the inccy for a day?
I have had 6 bantam eggs arrive today, ideally I would like then in the self turner which I put the other eggs, that had rested for a day, in today. I am not going to turn them til tomorrow.
Is it best I just leave to banty's and put them in another incubator tomorrow?
Can I shove them in the self turner that the others have been in for a couple of hours?
