Dont dont dont. The cute Silkie and 2 chicks I bought instead of the two POL Silkies? Do you remember? Hen a bag of bones "from sitting" and 2 sexed as pullets chicks....well, they started sneezing the next day. Thankfully Rottie and Wellie had only been with them a couple of hours before the sneezing and Id already seperated them coz she was evil to them. By Tuesday the newbies were all at deaths door. Upshot is vet says the clinical signs all point to mycoplasma and the hen has had it so long it is in her lungs and probably the air sacs of her bones too. One chick is still very poorly and the other is now virtually OK. They have had 2 jabs of tylan, oral tylan plus enough for the girls and Rottie and Wellie in case I carried it on my hands and clothes. That's �70 quid plus 2 more jabs to come plus a new extortianate and inadequate house that was all I could afford short notice for isolation plus a new run coz the cobbled isolation thing wasnt fox proof and the baby kept stopping me strengthening and cleaning it properly. They are now stinking in dog cages in the house until they have been seen on Monday and in the meantime Ive got to disinfect and creocote their house and chicken wire the bars so I can catch them without them necking themselves before they go back in. My husband is very tight lipped about the whole affair, my daughter is worried her pet is going to snuff it, the baby is frankly another means of turning a 60 minute chicken job into a 3 day one and Ive got 3 birds that, should they make it will always need to be seperate from my flock as they will always be at risk of a relapse when they will become infectious again. I know I should cull I know, but I can't. All I need now is for the two "sexed as pullets" to end up as cockerels............Frankly I wish Id never clapped eyes on them. Chickens, learning curve, nuff said!
