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Day 21 for chuckie eggs... No signs :(


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  • Day 21 for chuckie eggs... No signs :(

    hiya its day 21 for my first batch of eggs...

    i woke up this morning expecting to see at least one baby... Nuthing!!!

    they are all shaking nicely now and again, but i cannot see any other signs... Is this enough for now?

    i am being very good... i havent lifted the lid.. using a torch to peer in instead

  • #2
    How are they doing, any pips yet?


    • #3
      two has just pipped about hour ago, and the rest are bouncing like crazy.. all looking good!!


      • #4
        Oh Fab! Keep sitting on those hands!


        • #5
          still sitting on my hands lol... 6 pipped.. but the first one that pipped at 1pm, hasnt progressed any other than to kick a wee bit of shell off, about 1mm, the membrane still intact... any advice please?


          • #6
            I believe they can go 24 hours after pipping. They may be absorbing the last of the yolk sac.


            • #7
              Most of mine have gone between 6 and 24 hours after pipping. On our first hatch I was the same as you, saw a pip got straight on google and the vine to ask!

              It is so stressful!! But amazing results of the stress, little fluffy chicks. We are on about day 12 of our 3rd batch, cant wait! although a litle anxious as we have already lost 50% and on top of that we had a powercut in the middle of the night and no idea how long for.

              Good luck with yours Splatcat im sure you will be a proud mother hen soon
              Little ol' me

              Has just bagged a Lottie!
              Oh and the chickens are taking over my garden!
              FIL and MIL -


              • #8
                Any news yet?


                • #9
                  Very Eggciting! Don't forget, we need baby pics!


                  Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                  ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                  Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


                  • #10
                    out of 24 viable eggs... so far:

                    6 hatched and drying.. 12 in the process of hatching (one looking very poorly, shell bleeding a bit, giving him an hour before deciding whether to cull or not) the others no sign yet

                    will follow with pictures soon... maybe someone can help identify them.. supposed to be Light sussex, had my suspicions as the eggs were wrong colour! look like marans to me lol


                    • #11
                      Well the poorly one has made it out the shell, and is drying nicely, not as active as the others yet, but who knows...

                      Photos... ( if i can get the link to paste)

                      Pictures by splatcat43 - Photobucket


                      • #12
                        They look like the Copper Black Marans I hatched a few weeks ago (well not me personally - Phoebe the Buff Orpington bantam actually did the job! ). Eggs should have been very dark.


                        • #13
                          Yes they were very dark eggs.. im not very good at breeds of eggs, and i got these given, he said there was marans, light sussex and welsummer in them, mostly light sussex... silly me lol. The only thing i can garuantee, is theyre pures, as he kept them all in seperate pens..

                          ah well, they be loved anyway xx


                          • #14
                            They look like marans to me as well.

                            The link above should take you to my photos on here (not many) the dark egg was a marans and the pale egg a light sussex. The marans egg looks huge as it was a double yolker.


                            • #15
                              Well done with your first hatch, have you got any hair left or did you pull it all out
                              Look like marans to me too. Never had light sussex, but their chicks are usually golden based and so are welsummers as far as I know. But got marans and maran hybrids and they are black and silver chicks.
                              Mind you I've got silver sussex and their chicks are similar...
                              All super breeds anyway, so don't forget the growing up picis too
                              Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


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