As I've posted previously, I've had broody after broody all year till I REALLY wanted one to hatch some meat chicks, when they all started laying in earnest! 
So I put the Hubbard eggs in the incubator - 9 days to go.
Last night could only count 3 Silkies not 4. Searched run to find Poppy flattened on 2 pot eggs in the broody coop! HURRAY! Shut her in and waited for the others to go to bed. Minnie Silkie starts running frantically round and round the closed broody coop, so I let her in where she immediately flattened herself on the eggs close up to Poppy. This morning Poppy decided to come out to scoff the pot of mixed corn I'd left in the run for them, but Minnie stayed put!
Will they won't they?
If they stay put today and tomorrow I think I'll chance moving the eggs from the incy - I'm not convinced many of them are viable anyway so I really don't want to keep them at home if I can possibly help it - if there were 5 or 6 identical they might remain anonymous but 1 or 2...............

So I put the Hubbard eggs in the incubator - 9 days to go.
Last night could only count 3 Silkies not 4. Searched run to find Poppy flattened on 2 pot eggs in the broody coop! HURRAY! Shut her in and waited for the others to go to bed. Minnie Silkie starts running frantically round and round the closed broody coop, so I let her in where she immediately flattened herself on the eggs close up to Poppy. This morning Poppy decided to come out to scoff the pot of mixed corn I'd left in the run for them, but Minnie stayed put!
Will they won't they?

If they stay put today and tomorrow I think I'll chance moving the eggs from the incy - I'm not convinced many of them are viable anyway so I really don't want to keep them at home if I can possibly help it - if there were 5 or 6 identical they might remain anonymous but 1 or 2...............
