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Need some help, 2 poorly chickens


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  • Need some help, 2 poorly chickens

    Hi All

    I have a problem and I cant think straight, so please need some help

    Souffle my problem chicken that hasnt laid for 12 months is a bit swollen underneath, she has off days but generally she is okay, she eats drinks, and comes for corn

    Chicken Joe, came down with a similar problem undercarriage bloated and looks under the weather

    So, is this catching? or just unlucky. I;ve added some pictures of the poop and the chucks for help assessing her

    The useless with chickens and I know more they they seem to do, so no point in going there - they put them on some antibiotics not baydril which in the past has done nothing at all, wont give me baydril although I know this to be the best to deal with most stuff

    I have tylan available and wasnt sure if to keep them seperate together and use this.

  • #2
    Oh dear Tick the s^*t fairy has landed again hasn't it!
    The swollen under carriage is normally either egg peritonitis or tumours. I can't remember if you girls are ex-batts?
    If Souffle hasn't laid for a year it really could be either of the above or indeed something like Lymphoid leucosis which causes tumours as does Mareks or possibly heart failure (I'd expect a dak o purplish tinge to the comb in this though. )
    Its really academic as to what the cause is. The only realistic treatment is antibiotics and the best one as you already know is Baytril. Tylan is mainly for respiratory diseases but I guess in the absence of anything else, a few days separation, some TLC plus Tylan is your best option.
    Is there no other vet practice you could try?
    The white looking droppings are mainly urine which might suggest that one of them isn't eating much.
    If they're older birds it may simply be their systems packing up.
    I've looked in my Victoria Roberts book and she doesn't say any more than I've said above
    I do hope this is of some help.


    • #3
      Ditto what Sue says really. You know you have a poorly set of birds, I think you came on a while ago and said what should you do etc etc. Perhaps the time has now come for these girls?


      • #4
        Originally posted by RichmondHens View Post
        Ditto what Sue says really. You know you have a poorly set of birds, I think you came on a while ago and said what should you do etc etc. Perhaps the time has now come for these girls?

        Thanks Richmond and thanks Sue, I did just as suggested little roxy and boo over the last couple of months have gone to the bird in the sky. Souffle, I know I should but while she isnt moping around I'm finding it hard to make that decision. Jo, well Jo is my supper well chicken, never ill, never sad, never anything other than laying and well - she;s my top bird and has been fantastic. She is a hybrid, not ex batt as was Souffle (although I do wonder as I lost Omlet at the beginning, if it was their breeding as they are all hybrid POL)

        Roxy and Boo were ex batts and were coming up to 31/2. I would say that the hybrids are 3 now.

        My new 4 pol are starting to lay and doing well. Henna the other hybrid lays well, Scrappy ex batt had a prolaspe about 12 months ago and lays some decent some softer shelled eggs, but is happy. And Rosy is doing well as a 3 1.2 year ex batt

        I was worried that I'm doing something wrong that is my biggest fear!!, but I look after them, they are wormed, liced and red mited, I feed them small holders ex batt and pellets, I poo pick everyday, their coop is cleaned fully fortnightly and paper changed everyday

        The only thing I cant do is give them fresh ground...there run is fixed and I have no way of moving it, or the coop which seems to be set solid into the ground only a fork life could shift it

        Perhaps I'm just not cut out to be a chicken keeper? someone did say that once, yet my chucks look healthier than any other on the allotment and they have laid well.


        • #5
          just feeling sorry for me and my birds


          • #6
            Originally posted by tlck9 View Post
            just feeling sorry for me and my birds
            sorry to read your bad news,we do get attached to them and their daft ways,hope things improve for you ..
            Last edited by scarey55; 12-08-2011, 08:55 AM. Reason: Fixed the quote


            • #7
              you are a good chicken keeper, you care enough to ask for advice from us lot! they do get to a certain age where they start to ail, just like dogs and horses do, so don't beat yourself up about this.


              • #8
                You are right, and I should be used to it, taking on ex battery chucks that really are lucky to be alive past their release! but I just feel that I could do more

                Just wish my old vet was around, she was wonderful, loved chickens and was always ready to help, she even came and showed me the first day how to feed them the medication - beyond her duty but it was nice!


                • #9
                  vets like that are few and far between- most of them seem to be all about money, money, money. mind you, the last time I took a chicken to the vets the consultation was free as the vet conceded I knew what the problem was and she didn't- i only had to pay for the prescription!


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