My Bluebell laid her first egg 2 weeks ago. She has laid about 8 normal eggs sincethen but last night she laid a soft egg from the perch. Is this normal for a pullet to do or should I be worried ? She doesn't appear to be unwell at all and is not being bullied. In fact she and her friend have settled in very well.
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Is this normal?
A bit of ground oystershell may help if she is short of calcium?(But you probably already new that)
My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
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I have several bowls of oyster shell about and also sprinkle some on the ground every week. Have given limestone flour and cod liver oil in food yesterday and today. Another soft shell laid in the night though. I hope it's just a blip. She laid a double yolker last week which was the first I had ever had. The shell on that was really hard.
We are going through the same thing with a White Leghorn that has just started laying. First a couple of very small eggs - then a decent sized few, including a double yolker - and now 2 nights of soft sheeled eggs under the roost.
We're hoping it'll be back to normal soon...
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