And not a moment too soon.
I spent all morning sorting out a home for my four latest hatchling Laydees, one of which layed its first egg today!
They were in with three cockerels from the same hatch, a young Cream Legbar cockerel of a similar age that I found a home for and a mature cockerel six months older than the rest.
As you can imagine, five cockerels and four laydees just approaching maturity was a recipe for disaster!
They are now seperated, although, when I can catch him I may put the Cream Legbar cockerel in with them with the hope of eventually getting some fertilised eggs to set and see if I can hatch a few blue/green/olive egg layers.
I'll leave the laydees by themselves for a while first though until all four come into lay hopefully

I spent all morning sorting out a home for my four latest hatchling Laydees, one of which layed its first egg today!

They were in with three cockerels from the same hatch, a young Cream Legbar cockerel of a similar age that I found a home for and a mature cockerel six months older than the rest.
As you can imagine, five cockerels and four laydees just approaching maturity was a recipe for disaster!

They are now seperated, although, when I can catch him I may put the Cream Legbar cockerel in with them with the hope of eventually getting some fertilised eggs to set and see if I can hatch a few blue/green/olive egg layers.
I'll leave the laydees by themselves for a while first though until all four come into lay hopefully
