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Introducing Roxy


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  • #31
    It wasn't just the tail feather but also the neck hackles in your other photo that made me think it's a cockerel. Completed your little garden flock indeed - I'm sure your ladies were delighted... they'll want to keep him!
    ...bonkers about beans... and now a proud Nutter!


    • #32
      Well that's tough on them then because hes getting swapped for a hen next weekend - we have neighbours to consider and really only want to keep the 4 hens for eggs.


      • #33
        Nevermind, at least you can swap him for a girl! I am surprised though that your breeder didn't know...


        • #34
          Oh dear! Well, at least you can swap him for a 'proper' girl. I'm going to post a pic of my Amrock soon, the jury's out on whether tis girl or boy......


          • #35
            Poor Roxy, can't help feeling a bit sorry for him as his fate is probably roast or casserole!
            Hope his sister settles in with your others now. (Are your sure you can't have 2 to share the bullying?)


            • #36
              Originally posted by frias View Post
              Poor Roxy, can't help feeling a bit sorry for him as his fate is probably roast or casserole!
              Hope his sister settles in with your others now. (Are your sure you can't have 2 to share the bullying?)
              Don't worry about him , the breeder we got him off won't roast or casserole him , he has a lot of ground and already has several cockerels, he will be welcomed back in style and soon have a new flock of girls to look after. I think the breeder is quite new to it all himself so hasn't quite learnt the art of spotting a cockerel. I think we had our doubts right from the start just from knowledge gleened form here and boooks but not the confidence of our own convictions and the lack of Crowing threw us. I still haven't heard him and neither have our neighbours, because we asked them to listen out and report back if they heard a crowing

              We really can't take another 2 - we would have to get a bigger house and the garden just copes with 4 - we'll take it gradually as we did with Roxy and I'm sure she'll be fine

              I will miss him because he is a beauty


              • #37
                New Roxy

                Well the swap has been made, we left our flock at the Chicken Hotel for a few days and when we got back our new Roxy had already been put in our flock in place of her brother - there's been no bother - the odd peck here and there and she's cautious with tail down but we haven't needed to separate them.

                Confident we have a hen this time and maybe we'll get blue eggs after all
                Attached Files


                • #38
                  Brilliant! She looks like a lady - hope she lays well!


                  • #39
                    Awwwwww! Hope so too!
                    All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                    Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


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