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Silkie with bent neck


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  • #16
    Shes still running round feeding etc, she just cant get up the the ramp at night, im hopeful she may recover.

    It was a bit of a shock when they told me how much the PM was! his a very strange guy the nurse had told me that she hadn't found any worms in the sample that i had sent her the week before(I had only wormed them 2 weeks before with Flubenvent) he said i shouldn't listen to her as she doesn't know whats she talking about!

    No more reports from this vet

    Originally posted by baldrick View Post
    Wouldnt she have passed it on by now anyway if she is going to? TBH if she is a pet Id be inclined to cull her when she needs to be pts for humane reasons. You can cull an animal from a breeding programme without actually physically killing her? As for the vet. This report has taken so long had it been a notifiable disease you would have infected the entire country by now. Suspect he doesnt know his aardvark from his elephant and is playing for time in the hope you will go the money dont offer it again unless they ask for it AFTER sending the report, and dont ask for the report again!


    • #17
      Well, you would probably not find worms unless there is a bad infestation. If I sent a poo sample in looking for worms, I would expect a microscopy job done - i.e. looking for worm eggs not the actual worms.

      They do sound a little unprofessional there - is there another vet you can try?



      • #18
        Thanks Petal

        We really like the Silkies breed, we would certainly be interested in purchasing a coupe of girls for the spring, we are often visit Biggleswade as my son takes his Tea Kwon Do gradings in Biggleswade, so if we loose any anymore maybe we could visit!

        Originally posted by petal View Post
        Mareks vaccine is used on chicks- no good on older stock. if i were closer I could pm and possibly tell by growths anomalies etc - as I am used to knowing what healthy innards look like.- you can download images to help you diagnose- as i have done when we had an outbreak of coccidiosis. if your other birds are fine, then don't worry- some silkies are really susceptible to mareks and thats it.- if you want more then buy only vaccinated- or i might have a couple you can try next spring- i would be very interested out of my own research to see if my lot are truly as resistant as everyone says they are that have bought youngsters off me and had previous problems with silkies.


        • #19
          That is an unbelievable charge for a PM! My local Defra lab charges �37.50 plus VAT and the vet I use charges around a tenner + VAT, more for cultures. I paid less that that for a dog to be put under anaesthetic, removal of lumps and dew claws, sewing up again and antibiotics. Outrageous.


          • #20
            It was a bit of a shock, still not paid, as his not written the report yet.

            Originally posted by jessmorris View Post
            That is an unbelievable charge for a PM! My local Defra lab charges �37.50 plus VAT and the vet I use charges around a tenner + VAT, more for cultures. I paid less that that for a dog to be put under anaesthetic, removal of lumps and dew claws, sewing up again and antibiotics. Outrageous.


            • #21
              she has made a full recovery at the moment but time will tell, on a google search i found a article that high levels of vitimin e can help with Marek, she been having the contents of one capsul each night, maybe it helped?


              • #22
                good to hear she is on the mend, tell vet where they can put their silly bill.


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