Just had our three-year-old come into the room holding an orange woollen glove above her head, making clucking noises! Entire room collapsed with laughter...
Sorry, no photo - she ran off too quickly.
On a less frivolous note, we have noticed that our chucks are only laying about every other day at the moment. Since they only just started, we're guessing this is normal, but it would be good to confirm this with all you experienced hen-worshippers...
TP's OH (I stole the keyboard while SWMBO was getting a coffee refill!

On a less frivolous note, we have noticed that our chucks are only laying about every other day at the moment. Since they only just started, we're guessing this is normal, but it would be good to confirm this with all you experienced hen-worshippers...
TP's OH (I stole the keyboard while SWMBO was getting a coffee refill!
