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How the mighty has fallen - Help please


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  • How the mighty has fallen - Help please

    Our light sussex hen - who has always been the boss around the other three is in a bit of a state today. When we came home and let them out after lunch she was no where to be seen - just lots of blood splatters around the pop hole and just inside on the newspaper we use to line the coop. There was blood on the roof of the coop and on the nestbox roof also.
    Oh no! I thought that Mr Fox had visited - but the other 3 hens were untroubled and I saw no forced entry.
    When I looked in the nestbox, there was Bethan, cowering down and blood splattered, but still alive.
    Her rear has been almost completely de-nuded though! There was cuts around her vent and it looked as though the feathers had been torn out!!!
    We cleaned her up a bit with warm water and a clean cloth soaked in antiseptic and ahe now looks less like a victim from a horror movie.
    She has been drinking a lot and seems very docile, maybe in a bit of shock?
    I have bought some anti feather pecking spray and given the area a good spray of that - it smells horrible - which is probably a good thing. When she went outside the run one of the others run up to her and tried a peck - but retreated in disgust as the spray did it's stuff!
    She's just gone into roost now, so I will go and shut them up for the night, or do you think we should keep her inside tonight - we have a biggish cardboard box that might do.
    Is there any other action we should take?
    What do you think?
    Help please, all advice gratefully recieved as this is the first crisis we've hit.


  • #2
    I would leave her be, just keep an eye on her and make sure the others don't bully her or start pecking her again. Keep up with the anti peck spray and hopefully it will put them off. Hard to say why they have turned on her but she is best left in the main hen house unless things get worse. See what tomorrow brings.


    • #3
      Oh dear poor thing! Its just possible she's had a prolapse or partial prolapse which has resolved itself. This would encourage the others to peck at her as its pretty gruesome when it happens. She needs careful watching if she's cut as well. Do you have any purple spray? This would disguise the cuts. Could she be kept in a safe/covered enclosure within your run so she's still with the others in the daytime until you know whats really happened. It may also be that she's moulting and there's been a military coup!
      Maybe someone will come up with a better explanation but thats all I can think of!


      • #4
        Thanks both.
        She has gone to roost now and was on the bar, rather than huddled in a corner, so maybe that's a good sign.
        She's as far away from Anwen, the hen that we saw trying to peck earlier, as she can get though!
        I'll keep an eye on her tomorrow and try and fence off a bit of run before we go to work.
        What is 'purple spray'? Can't say that I've seen it at the place that we get our poultry stuff.



        • #5
          Gentian Violet.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Newtothis View Post
            Thanks both.

            What is 'purple spray'? Can't say that I've seen it at the place that we get our poultry stuff.

            It's an antiseptic spray, coloured purple for two reasons - 1) so you can see which areas you've treated, and 2) it covers blood effectively and therefore helps prevent open wounds being pecked - chickens are particularly attracted to the colour red. There are several different types on the market, but pretty much any animal feed merchant will have some as you can use it on most animals and birds. Be warned, it stains ++ so wear old clothes/boots when using it.


            • #7
              OK will do = thanks RH



              • #8
                Originally posted by Newtothis View Post
                Thanks both.

                What is 'purple spray'? Can't say that I've seen it at the place that we get our poultry stuff.

                Its often in the horse remedies. Both my suppliers have it in various packs/makes.


                • #9
                  Isn't that what the anti peck spray is?


                  • #10
                    The anti peck spray I have is clear. I remember we used to use purple spray on the horses many, many moons ago. It's available where I get my poultry pellets, either Battles gentian violet spray or Lincoln purple spray. Both are also available online but not sure how long the post would take at the moment. Fingers crossed your hen will be OK David. Although there has been bullying amongst my girls they've never drawn blood.


                    • #11
                      Hi David - I sympathise, one of my hens was being pecked by her friend who was trying very hard to 'help' by pecking out loose feathers during her moult, to the point where poor Dotty was squawking with pain and hiding her rear end away from her buddy by backing into corners etc. I ordered some gentian violet online after advice from this forum - from what I read, it appears that you need a 0.5% solution for chickens and a 1% solution for horses. It hasn't arrived yet, but the problem seems to have disappeared for now.. although now another hen is getting the same 'helpful' treatment, so I'm counting the days! I'm making sure there are plenty of hiding places around, and ticking off the pecking hen if I catch her at it - not sure she gets me, but it makes me feel better . I also move the victim to a different place sometimes, but I've not resorted to separating them yet. I have a big cage thing set up ready in case I need it - all the others have explored it and stamped around in it making it smell nice (??) and chickeny, and taking their after-lunch siesta in there, so it should feel like a mini-home if things get desperate .
                      sigpicGardening in France rocks!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SMS6 View Post
                        Isn't that what the anti peck spray is?
                        No the antipeck sprays taste and frequently smell revolting! The purple spray is antiseptic and also distracts by disguising the redness of sore or bleeding skin. It may also taste unpleasant but on the odd occasions its gone on me I haven't noticed whereas the anti-peck spray .........................


                        • #13
                          Ah thanks for that. I have some anti peck spray which I had to use when my girls were first settling in - it comes out coloured and smells awful. Works though


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Suechooks View Post
                            No the antipeck sprays taste and frequently smell revolting!
                            This is VERY true!!!
                            Ours is brown and extreemly my OH found out when she was holding our 'poorly lass' and I was spaying.
                            New jacket for Christmas on the way!


                            • #15
                              Bethan has made it through another day thankfully, but is still not eating. Is this OK or should we be tempting her with something?


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