I've not been on the forum recently (recovering from Christmas and the shock of returning to work!), but felt I had to post that our Cream Legbar, Rascal, laid her first beautiful pale blue egg on the 2nd January
. I am so chuffed (as you can probably tell!). We got her at the end of July last year, aged 9 weeks along with Sage (a Barnevelder), Onion (a lemon cuckoo Orpington), and Pigeon (a lavender Pekin Bantam).
Rascal has always been the most outgoing of the quartet, if I don't watch her she will jump on my back (and once on my head) when I bend down to say hello to them.
She has now found her voice, announcing to the world each new arrival. She also went through the same routine at bedtime the other evening, even though she had already laid an egg that morning - I'm not sure why?
It was nice to start to fill up the egg skelter that my partner got me for Christmas. Once she had laid four, we had them as soft boiled eggs and very nice they were too.
I wonder how long it will be before the others start?

Rascal has always been the most outgoing of the quartet, if I don't watch her she will jump on my back (and once on my head) when I bend down to say hello to them.
She has now found her voice, announcing to the world each new arrival. She also went through the same routine at bedtime the other evening, even though she had already laid an egg that morning - I'm not sure why?
It was nice to start to fill up the egg skelter that my partner got me for Christmas. Once she had laid four, we had them as soft boiled eggs and very nice they were too.
I wonder how long it will be before the others start?