With the chooks laying anywhere between three and eight eggs a day I have been leaving them in the allotment shed until I had enough to box up.
No more though!!!!
I went this evening and two eggs had cracked with the frost!
Being uncertain about the other ten or so, I decided to smash them and give my four cockerels a treat.
Only about four of the remaining tem were frozen when I smashed them..............but the cockerels didn't mind!
Taking eggs home each night now until this freezing weather abates.

No more though!!!!

I went this evening and two eggs had cracked with the frost!

Being uncertain about the other ten or so, I decided to smash them and give my four cockerels a treat.
Only about four of the remaining tem were frozen when I smashed them..............but the cockerels didn't mind!

Taking eggs home each night now until this freezing weather abates.