I have one of those (expensive) tripod water things- if you haven't used yours yet send it back! Its the first to freeze and needs checking many times a day to see if the water is coming through properly. its ok for the ducks as they are fierce enough to agitate it to get it going.
I agree with RH- get a bucket- a shallow rubber type one that you can buy for horses feed- easy to remove ice from, won't break and too shallow for a hen to drown in! ours never get dirt in? Hens seem to know not to poo in there....
As for feed- we never leave any around at night(it attracts rats)so your safe treadle feeder sounds just the ticket. What a good idea.
I agree with RH- get a bucket- a shallow rubber type one that you can buy for horses feed- easy to remove ice from, won't break and too shallow for a hen to drown in! ours never get dirt in? Hens seem to know not to poo in there....
As for feed- we never leave any around at night(it attracts rats)so your safe treadle feeder sounds just the ticket. What a good idea.