I've been looking for a breeder of araucanas in Brittany but having no luck. However, someone's just offered to sell me some fertile eggs. I'm not sure I'm ready for eggs though, I was expecting to buy ready-made birds! Can anyone help with the following please, to help me make my mind up?
1. How long do fertile eggs remain fertile? From what this person says, I suspect she's had them for several months at least.
2. I don't have a broody hen, so I'd have to buy one - which means buying 2 presumably? Would they be best integrated with my existing flock of 7 (already mixed ages, but the most recent 2 still not 100% integrated), or should I plan for a new coop and run?
3. If they're to have their own space, what happens when one goes broody and I stick eggs under her? Do I remove her and thus leave the other one on its own? Or would I need 3 or even 4 to avoid this happening?? If so, things start to get a bit silly numbers-wise...
4. I don't have any 'clean' space to raise new chicks - they'd have to go into a partitioned part of an existing run - is this dangerous for them?
That's enough questions for now, although I'm sure I'll think of others..
I've been looking for a breeder of araucanas in Brittany but having no luck. However, someone's just offered to sell me some fertile eggs. I'm not sure I'm ready for eggs though, I was expecting to buy ready-made birds! Can anyone help with the following please, to help me make my mind up?
1. How long do fertile eggs remain fertile? From what this person says, I suspect she's had them for several months at least.
2. I don't have a broody hen, so I'd have to buy one - which means buying 2 presumably? Would they be best integrated with my existing flock of 7 (already mixed ages, but the most recent 2 still not 100% integrated), or should I plan for a new coop and run?
3. If they're to have their own space, what happens when one goes broody and I stick eggs under her? Do I remove her and thus leave the other one on its own? Or would I need 3 or even 4 to avoid this happening?? If so, things start to get a bit silly numbers-wise...
4. I don't have any 'clean' space to raise new chicks - they'd have to go into a partitioned part of an existing run - is this dangerous for them?
That's enough questions for now, although I'm sure I'll think of others..
