I suspect we may have lice. Well, not me personally (I hope! Had enough of that when the kids were at school...), but my chickens. I assume that if one has them, they'll all have them? It's one of the few things they seem to want to share with each other...
I saw a yellowy 'thing' run across Dotty's botty yesterday - she still has a bald section under her tail where her friend was helping her peck out feathers during her moult, so it was easy to see. I don't 'think' it's mites, but obviously could be wrong.
Now, I've read my Haynes Chicken Manual, and it says to take the chicken, lay it on its back and rifle through its feathers before dusting liberally with louse powder. Oh, and if you can't remove the eggs from the base of the feather, to pull the feather out and burn it.... OK - there is no way on this planet I'm going to persuade any of them to take this lying down, so to speak... Whilst they'll all eat from my hand, and I can stroke some of them if I catch them in an unsuspecting moment, the chances of picking them up, let alone getting them to obligingly roll over and stay there quietly while I remove parts of their clothing, just ain't going to happen.
I've studied the coop before, and given its appalling design (described at length in another thread), I don't think there's much chance of getting them out at night to do the dastardly deed on them then either.
I have some Barrier Red Mite powder but no 'louse powder', and some 'Total Mite Kill' or something equally scary sounding, which I'd planned on using on the coop when the weather's a bit milder, maybe next week if I'm lucky. I usually sprinkle the powder in the coop where they nest and sleep, and sometimes in their dust baths in the garden if it's dry. I also have some vaseline, and some apple cider vinegar - I use the vinegar mixed with some eco friendly cleaning stuff and water to get in the cracks in the coop with a toothbrush periodically. Beyond that I'm a bit stuck for ideas really... Can anyone help please, given the constraints mentioned?
I suspect we may have lice. Well, not me personally (I hope! Had enough of that when the kids were at school...), but my chickens. I assume that if one has them, they'll all have them? It's one of the few things they seem to want to share with each other...
I saw a yellowy 'thing' run across Dotty's botty yesterday - she still has a bald section under her tail where her friend was helping her peck out feathers during her moult, so it was easy to see. I don't 'think' it's mites, but obviously could be wrong.
Now, I've read my Haynes Chicken Manual, and it says to take the chicken, lay it on its back and rifle through its feathers before dusting liberally with louse powder. Oh, and if you can't remove the eggs from the base of the feather, to pull the feather out and burn it.... OK - there is no way on this planet I'm going to persuade any of them to take this lying down, so to speak... Whilst they'll all eat from my hand, and I can stroke some of them if I catch them in an unsuspecting moment, the chances of picking them up, let alone getting them to obligingly roll over and stay there quietly while I remove parts of their clothing, just ain't going to happen.
I've studied the coop before, and given its appalling design (described at length in another thread), I don't think there's much chance of getting them out at night to do the dastardly deed on them then either.
I have some Barrier Red Mite powder but no 'louse powder', and some 'Total Mite Kill' or something equally scary sounding, which I'd planned on using on the coop when the weather's a bit milder, maybe next week if I'm lucky. I usually sprinkle the powder in the coop where they nest and sleep, and sometimes in their dust baths in the garden if it's dry. I also have some vaseline, and some apple cider vinegar - I use the vinegar mixed with some eco friendly cleaning stuff and water to get in the cracks in the coop with a toothbrush periodically. Beyond that I'm a bit stuck for ideas really... Can anyone help please, given the constraints mentioned?
