Opinions please.....although I think Edie is an Eddie....!

This is one of the 'girls' DD swapped for our last lot of cockerels. But just lately, this one has started to look distinctly boyish, although no crowing - he's very very quiet and a bit of a coward. He can stay until he gets noisy, but then he has has to go.
Conundrum now is; do we hatch some of our eggs in a few months? I do wonder what we'd get crossing him with our girls (Scots Dumpy, Marsh Daisy, Cream Legbar, Copper Marans, Blue Cochin, some hybrids)
So, what do you think?

This is one of the 'girls' DD swapped for our last lot of cockerels. But just lately, this one has started to look distinctly boyish, although no crowing - he's very very quiet and a bit of a coward. He can stay until he gets noisy, but then he has has to go.
Conundrum now is; do we hatch some of our eggs in a few months? I do wonder what we'd get crossing him with our girls (Scots Dumpy, Marsh Daisy, Cream Legbar, Copper Marans, Blue Cochin, some hybrids)
So, what do you think?