we bought our first chooks last July, only started laying this year, so they were quite young, a Welsummer, Cream Legbar and Speckled Sussex - all came from the same place and pen. All was fine, then about 6wks ago the W and CL started picking on the SS - to the extent overnight they pecked a hole in her side that I could literally put my little finger into up to the 2nd knuckle. Ran to vets, who didnt hold out much hope, but have bathed, dressed and packed with wound powder (miracle stuff) and she has absolutely and completely healed. Put her back with W and CL, they started immediately picking on her again. Put her back in isolation, but she is not happy so bought a Maran to go with her. SS now bullied M, so M put in with W and CL (keep up!) and SS still on her own (so one extra chook, no solution to problem). M has laid three eggs and eaten two so another issue. She is now (we think) eating at least one egg a day usually the W, BTW the M doesnt lay. She was a 20 week old when we got her, does this make any difference as the other three were so young? Anyway put SS on own again. So today, both OH and me are in work, SS is in her shed come pen on her own without M (cos I dont want M to eat SS egg) The W and CL are in the normal run (so I can check if they have started egg eating
What can we do - my gut feeling is to take the Maran back (dont even know if we can do this and I do feel bad, but the situation is now worse than when SS first was ill - we have bullies and egg eating), and to get some banties to go with SS - I absolutely adore her, she is so cute, and has been through so much, I cant part with her as she hasnt done anything wrong.
Until the recent problems, they all lived fine, and laid well, now the eggs are not so prolific, are being eaten and I have three factions in a very very small garden. Argh! No wonder I have gone to the office!!
Joking aside we are really beside ourselves cos we dont know what to do and to think last week, my main concern was the colour of the paint for my chook house.