I'm so excited - we have finally decided to take the plunge and get some chickens and are trying to decide which breeds to get. We watched some Lakenvelder chicks hatch a couple of weeks ago (a magical experience for my DD) and thought it would be lovely to have a couple of them as we felt a bit of a bond having watched them being "born"!. We planned to get another couple of (different breed) hens from a later hatching in a few weeks time. Having read through posts on the Rule the Roost forum I'm changing my mind though, as it sounds as thought it would be a problem to integrate them if we got them at different times.
Our local breeder is currently hatching some Arancunas, Friesian Fowl, Lakenvelders, Pekin Bantams and Welsummers which will all hatch at the end of March. We have 'met' and quite liked some of their pretty little Friesian Fowl and the Welsummers, but have no idea what Arancunas and Pekin Bantams are like. (I loved the big black Orpingtons which we met but understand that space-wise they have to be classed as 2 'normal' size birds, which would reduce the number we could get). Of course I realise it is very subjective and everyone will favour the breed which they have themselves, but I would be grateful for any advice as to which of the above breeds would/would not work well together, and whether it would be better to wait and get them all from the later hatching so they all arrive together and will be the same age. (I'm hoping someone will tell me otherwise though as I'm very impatient and really wanted to get some of the Lakenvelders which we had watched hatch!).
We have been given a hen house - I'm a bit anxious as to how many chickens it will hold comfortably so will post some photos soon. The house will be enclosed in a run which will stand on a paved patio area, with free range access to the rest of the garden (a mixture of lawn/shrubs/bark chippings/gravel) at weekends and on light evenings.
Our plan is to get 4 chickens. The priorities are that they must be friendly and suitable for children to handle, and produce a few eggs a week for us. A variety of different coloured eggs would be a bonus!
Sorry about the long ramble - no doubt there will be many more daft questions to follow!
Thanks in advance for any advice/guidance
Our local breeder is currently hatching some Arancunas, Friesian Fowl, Lakenvelders, Pekin Bantams and Welsummers which will all hatch at the end of March. We have 'met' and quite liked some of their pretty little Friesian Fowl and the Welsummers, but have no idea what Arancunas and Pekin Bantams are like. (I loved the big black Orpingtons which we met but understand that space-wise they have to be classed as 2 'normal' size birds, which would reduce the number we could get). Of course I realise it is very subjective and everyone will favour the breed which they have themselves, but I would be grateful for any advice as to which of the above breeds would/would not work well together, and whether it would be better to wait and get them all from the later hatching so they all arrive together and will be the same age. (I'm hoping someone will tell me otherwise though as I'm very impatient and really wanted to get some of the Lakenvelders which we had watched hatch!).
We have been given a hen house - I'm a bit anxious as to how many chickens it will hold comfortably so will post some photos soon. The house will be enclosed in a run which will stand on a paved patio area, with free range access to the rest of the garden (a mixture of lawn/shrubs/bark chippings/gravel) at weekends and on light evenings.
Our plan is to get 4 chickens. The priorities are that they must be friendly and suitable for children to handle, and produce a few eggs a week for us. A variety of different coloured eggs would be a bonus!
Sorry about the long ramble - no doubt there will be many more daft questions to follow!
Thanks in advance for any advice/guidance
