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Eglu Cubes


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  • Eglu Cubes

    Wow - I so want one of those Eglu Cubes that are in the competition this month - They look great!!! I always wanted one of those tiny eglu things, but now I want a Cube! Mind you not sure where on earth in the garden it would go though as I've not got much room left, but I'd be happy to re-organise. Maybe I should start with the tiny Eglu first and work up to a cube...complete novice when it comes to chickens so maybe two chickens to start off with is best. I'm soexcited about their products. Does anyone out there have a Cube or an Eglu? I'd love to hear what they're like!

  • #2
    I have 2 green Eglus, each with 4 hens. (Runs extended). They are fab. Soooooo easy to clean, as safe as it is possible to make them and the hens are very happy in them. Would recommend them to anyone.


    • #3
      I entered the Eglu cube comp too, I sooo want one! I'd never buy one as they are over priced for what they are and lets face it, the hens don't mind what it looks like so long as it's dry, relatively draught-free and swept out every couple of weeks. My five chooks are perfectly happy in their plywood box with a roosting perch and a couple of nesting boxes, knocked up for about �100 and will accomodate as many hens as an eglu cube. I think the cube retails at over �1000 in comparison.

      Dwell simply ~ love richly


      • #4
        i entered the competition and must admit to having the eglu brochures too.

        Totally agree: ludicrously priced but don't you wish it was you who had the original idea!!!!


        • #5
          yes want one, when are they bringing out the duck version?
          Yo an' Bob
          Walk lightly on the earth
          take only what you need
          give all you can
          and your produce will be bountifull


          • #6
            Many Eglu owners use them for fact there is a duck section on the Omlet Club Website. Not sure if I am allowed to post a link to another website here. Easy enough to Google it. I think they just remove the roosting bars and the ducks are quite happy.


            • #7
              yes thats for the eglu, it would only fit elsie on her own, not good as they have to be together, we looked into it about a year ago, lots of emails to and from omlet but no go. the cube tho would be perfect on floor leval, but then the run wont fit, idealy we would like an eglu for the chucks that fit inside the extended run for the egcube with the cube at floor leval for the ducks.
              maybe its on the omlett design table.
              Yo an' Bob
              Walk lightly on the earth
              take only what you need
              give all you can
              and your produce will be bountifull


              • #8
                I've entered the egloo cube competition too, I wouldn't pay �600 for it, the normal eglu's are expensive aswell. They do look very chic though!


                • #9
                  Same here, would love a cube for the 3 I'll be getting soon, but can't afford that kind of money


                  • #10
                    Who won it? they look fab ( but for the price of 300 doz eggs!?) I was going to enter but i didn't know then my sister would show up with two hens for me! now sulking as I spent yesterday converting an old rabbit hutch and run!


                    • #11
                      I want an eglu cube, but they are so expensive...

                      Plus we would argue over which colour to get!


                      • #12
                        it would have to be blue! but apparently hens in the pink one lay the best.
                        Yo an' Bob
                        Walk lightly on the earth
                        take only what you need
                        give all you can
                        and your produce will be bountifull


                        • #13
                          Why should that be? Is it because girls like pink?

                          Or could it be the colour reflects light better and therefore the inside of the eglu is brighter - nah! Boring!
                          The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


                          • #14
                            Yes, of course girl hens like pink!!


                            • #15
                              How do you find out who won stuff? Is it announced in a later issue of the mag?
                              Happy Gardening,


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