The adoption went well and Myfanwy is now happily being a mother hen to 3 adop[ted chicks.
The first pic was on day 2 and she has just pushed the egg shells out of the nest - we are happy that she didn't see through our deception!
(they were from an omlet that we had the day before)
She is now busy every day teaching the chicks to forage, scratch the ground, feed and calls them when she thinks there is a threat.
Endlessly fascinating and really cute!!!
Chicks are cream legbar, lavendar aracuna, and exchequer legorn.
Thanks for all the help! I couldn't have done it without all the advice.
The adoption went well and Myfanwy is now happily being a mother hen to 3 adop[ted chicks.

The first pic was on day 2 and she has just pushed the egg shells out of the nest - we are happy that she didn't see through our deception!

She is now busy every day teaching the chicks to forage, scratch the ground, feed and calls them when she thinks there is a threat.
Endlessly fascinating and really cute!!!

Chicks are cream legbar, lavendar aracuna, and exchequer legorn.
Thanks for all the help! I couldn't have done it without all the advice.