One of my adult hens (hybrid) seems a bit off colour. I only noticed this a couple of hours ago - she seemed fine yesterday. She's not very interested in food, and is sitting on her own with her tail down. I picked her up quite easily (most unusual!), and I can't see anything dribbling from any orifice, or find anything obviously wrong. She looks bright eyed enough, and her red bits are still nice and red, and there's food in her crop.
Whilst she may just be having an off day I guess, I'm wondering whether she could be egg bound? I've got one very broody hen at the moment, and it's generally upset the others - nesting boxes and laying spaces have been a particular issue although I thought we'd overcome most of the problems. However, Hetty didn't lay an egg yesterday (not unusual in itself), but also hasn't laid yet today. When they don't lay one day, they normally lay quite early the next - although to be fair her friend Custard also hasn't laid either day so far but seems otherwise fine. She did spend a long time in a next box yesterday with no results, and when I took her into their indoor earlier she did poke her head into a box but didn't go inside.
I'm probably just worrying about nothing, but if anyone could tell me the symptoms of being egg bound, and what I should do about it, I'd be grateful please. Even if I don't need to know this time, it'd be useful to be prepared for the future
. Any other suggestions also welcome! Thx
One of my adult hens (hybrid) seems a bit off colour. I only noticed this a couple of hours ago - she seemed fine yesterday. She's not very interested in food, and is sitting on her own with her tail down. I picked her up quite easily (most unusual!), and I can't see anything dribbling from any orifice, or find anything obviously wrong. She looks bright eyed enough, and her red bits are still nice and red, and there's food in her crop.
Whilst she may just be having an off day I guess, I'm wondering whether she could be egg bound? I've got one very broody hen at the moment, and it's generally upset the others - nesting boxes and laying spaces have been a particular issue although I thought we'd overcome most of the problems. However, Hetty didn't lay an egg yesterday (not unusual in itself), but also hasn't laid yet today. When they don't lay one day, they normally lay quite early the next - although to be fair her friend Custard also hasn't laid either day so far but seems otherwise fine. She did spend a long time in a next box yesterday with no results, and when I took her into their indoor earlier she did poke her head into a box but didn't go inside.
I'm probably just worrying about nothing, but if anyone could tell me the symptoms of being egg bound, and what I should do about it, I'd be grateful please. Even if I don't need to know this time, it'd be useful to be prepared for the future
