My allotment neighbour lost one chook to a fox a few days ago and nearly lost another whilst he was actually at the plot.
He managed to wack it with a stick and it dropped the chook, with only a few feathers missing.
Arrived at alloment today to find out the my neighbour on other side lost both his chooks last night to a fox.
Worrying times, but hopefully mine are better protected than my neighbours. My egg count is down a bit so maybe the fox being about is putting them off?
Sid the cockerel has a bit of blood on his comb today so maybe he's had a go at the fox through the wire.(Woe betide the fox!
)...............go on Sid, get the boot in son!

Arrived at alloment today to find out the my neighbour on other side lost both his chooks last night to a fox.

Worrying times, but hopefully mine are better protected than my neighbours. My egg count is down a bit so maybe the fox being about is putting them off?
Sid the cockerel has a bit of blood on his comb today so maybe he's had a go at the fox through the wire.(Woe betide the fox!
