shetland chickens are really rare as are geese. They are as tough as old boots normally- they have to be. Her conditions sounds like there is something wrong with her brain but if she eats and performs normal behaviour she will be fine. The only other thing that can cause wierd movement and sore skin is mareks.
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Anything to soothe sore red skin?
Hi Petal
Well she's certainly survived against the odds so far, so she does seem to be tough despite her difficulties. Her skin's definitely improving with a small squirt of almond oil now and again, which is good, and her legs look a wee bit better after treatment so hopefully all will be hunky dory again shortly. I'd say her behaviour is perfectly normal to be honest - bossy, greedy and determined not to be left out of things. The only thing 'different' about her is that she actually enjoys being cuddled, which most of the others don't!
sigpicGardening in France rocks!
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