Bit of a funny one here. The hen that survived the dog attack is laying soft eggs AND hard shelled eggs.... daily.
Could this be down to the shock of the dog/new stock arriving? As soon as she's laid them, she pretty much eats them (the soft ones, doesn't touch the hard shelled eggs thankfully).
They've access constantly to grit (mixed + oyster) in two bowls, she's eating fine (layers pellets), and drinking. Before she pops the soft shelled egg out, she looks hunched up, and her stance isn't right. As soon as it's out, she's right as rain. I'm thinking it's down to the shock, as there's no other signs of anything that could stress her (no mites, lice, other pests/predators around) but thought I'd come for a second opinion here
Diet wise, bar the layers, they'll get a small scoop of corn perhaps 3 times a week - though she does munch on soft fruit that's in the garden that they're in. They'll get the odd weed/grass clippings at times too (as there's no grass left in the garden that they're in
Could this be down to the shock of the dog/new stock arriving? As soon as she's laid them, she pretty much eats them (the soft ones, doesn't touch the hard shelled eggs thankfully).
They've access constantly to grit (mixed + oyster) in two bowls, she's eating fine (layers pellets), and drinking. Before she pops the soft shelled egg out, she looks hunched up, and her stance isn't right. As soon as it's out, she's right as rain. I'm thinking it's down to the shock, as there's no other signs of anything that could stress her (no mites, lice, other pests/predators around) but thought I'd come for a second opinion here

Diet wise, bar the layers, they'll get a small scoop of corn perhaps 3 times a week - though she does munch on soft fruit that's in the garden that they're in. They'll get the odd weed/grass clippings at times too (as there's no grass left in the garden that they're in
