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Mixing hybrid & pure breed & inoculations


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  • Mixing hybrid & pure breed & inoculations

    Hi all, I've got 6 hybrids & been thinking lately that I would like to take on some pure breeds, namely light Sussex. Off to a auction in a week!

    Do they mix okay, read somewhere that pure & hybrids don't mix?

    Also ones I've see aren't vaccinated? Is this an issue to me or th chucks? Should I still to vaccinated ones?

  • #2
    Its not advisable to mix vaccinated stock with unvaccinated.
    Pure and hybrids get on just fine. Its just vaccinated stock can be carriers of nasty illnesses without showing any symptoms themselves.
    I would absolutely NEVER buy birds from an auction. Don't say I didn't warn you! Its a hot bed of infection and yuckies.


    • #3
      Would agree with Petal, certainly on the auction issue. However I have two hybrids (one was a rescue the other a purchase mistake) and they don't appear to have spread any viruses about my flocks ...... yet!!


      • #4
        Thanks on the advice I wouldn't normally consider an auction,but the poultry sales are very popular here & many of the good breeders use the sale to advertise, I suspect it being rural Cornwall. However achicken expert was coming with me.

        Seems though that a friend has some light Sussex pullets so it saves me risking auction stock which I've always been wary of & stayed away


        • #5
          too your advice and although still going to the auctions, have bought 4 pulletts from my friends son who has some spare from his commercial stock, not quite in lay, but it gives them time to adjust to their new surroundings


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