My 29 week old Lakenvelder has been laying almost daily since she was about 22 weeks old, but hasn't laid an egg now for 2 weeks. She seems fine in herself but doesn't seem to be eating very much (layers pellets) but if I give her corn or mealworms in the evenings she takes it. Is it normal for them to eat less when the days get shorter? What foods can I give her to try and get her to eat more? I have given her tinned sweetcorn which she likes - is there anything else that will tempt her and do her some good?
Since she started laying she has been quite easy to catch as she squats when I put my hand over her but she hasn't been doing this lately and doesn't want to be caught. I have noticed some of her tiny fluffy white feathers in the hen-house in the mornings and wondered if she is starting to moult (but I thought they only started moulting in their second year?). Could she be egg-bound? So many questions!
Oh, another thing - I've noticed that both of the chickens sometimes eat the little fluffy feathers if they have fallen on the floor of the run - is that normal?
Our other chicken laid her very first egg today - aged 25 weeks! Any advice gratefully received
Since she started laying she has been quite easy to catch as she squats when I put my hand over her but she hasn't been doing this lately and doesn't want to be caught. I have noticed some of her tiny fluffy white feathers in the hen-house in the mornings and wondered if she is starting to moult (but I thought they only started moulting in their second year?). Could she be egg-bound? So many questions!