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Can I use Coxoid + Flubenvet simultaneously?


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  • Can I use Coxoid + Flubenvet simultaneously?

    My vet suggested worming my hens and with this awful wet weather I can see by their droppings I need to treat them for Cocci. The Coxoid will take priority if you think they'll get Gulf War Syndrome if I give them a cocktail of treatments. Any thoughts?

  • #2
    I'm not sure but I think as you only need to give the coxoid for 7 days I would give them that first and then treat for worms straight after.


    • #3
      OK. Thanks Scarlet. If it doesn't stop raining soon they will be lining up to go into the coop two by two.....


      • #4
        Have you nowhere inside you can put them for a few days, eg a sectioned off area of a garage or shed, just to keep them out of the wet? Sorry don't know how many chooks you have so this may not be practical but standing about in the mud will not be doing them any good.

        I would be inclined to give both meds simultaneously if they are in dire need of them.


        • #5
          Hi RH,
          I could put them in a garden shed but its quite small...they've quite a big coop they could shelter in and I've covered over part of the run, but you're right, it's not good for chickens to be wet. There's 4 broodies in a small pen in my garden and 10 mixed bantams in a bigger pen up the road - they definately can't come home as there's too many boys among them! However bad the weather, they seem to prefer it outside..I'm planning to build a big walk-in pen this weekend 21feet by 12feet for the broodies. Its got a deep layer of wood chip as a base and a big coop so should be ok. I'll think about clearing the shed for them in the meantime....


          • #6
            PS its the bigger bantams with the big pen (11 Heras panels) who have runny white diarrhoea which looks like Cocci to me. They've grass, a small shed, a small coop and not to much mud to contend with at all!


            • #7
              er no, my white bacilliary diarrhoea.... alarm bells would be going? any blood? cocci is for runty growers really - I have never seen an adult hen with this. If its a grower, its never going to make a decent bird once it gets hit good and proper with this. What would I do? If young, cull out boys for a start to reduce stress in one- quite simple, cocci makes a right mess of the intestine. If these are valuable pure breeds get to vets for something more effective than coxoid and ask for a poo sample to be done to check for worms.


              • #8
                No blood Petal. They are all growers in this pen - around 6 months old now. OK, I can do all this - thanks for advice!


                • #9
                  got to act fast and put a bowl of disinfectant for feet by their pen in case it transfers to your other stock- 6 months old is usually a past the cocci stage- have they had contact whilst small with older birds at all? blood in the droppings or watery droppings points at cocci. I would get to the vet -good luck!


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