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kittens and chickens


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  • kittens and chickens


    Despite living in the countryside, we've not had cats visit our chicken run in the past year since we started keeping birds. Last night 2 small kittens appeared - probably attracted by the chicks? - and it proved impossible to keep them out of the run - they can just pop through the holes in the netting. Eventually we allowed the dogs out, and one of them stood guard and stopped the kittens coming back in. But they're back again today.

    I've read threads on here that say cats are no threat to chickens, so I was expecting our birds to defend themselves. However, although they cluck a bit, they simply walk away and keep moving on each time the kittens get closer. They've not once turned round and attacked them, or even threatened to.

    I'm concerned - is it safe to leave them alone in their run with these 2 kittens, one of which is definitely a 'hunter' type, or are they at risk? The only alternative is to shut them inside all the time, as I've done with the chicks and broody while I go out shopping for a while this afternoon... but this isn't a viable long term option really.

    As for the dogs - well, one of them screeched to halt when the smaller kitten faced her, and then backed away from it, and the other one will happily bark at them but slowed down when he got close to them and just kind of nosed them out of the run! Sweet, but not much of a deterrent!

    Advice please??
    sigpicGardening in France rocks!

  • #2
    My kitten (now about a year old, but still a small cat) regularly goes into the chook run and watches them, even sleeps under their coop! The hens take no notice of her at all.

    Once one of my old cats who is quite large went in and all the chooks charged her at once - fluffed themselves up and everything, I have never seen the cat move up the side of the fence so fast - I don't think she has been in there since. Our smallish boy cat who we lost last year also used to go in and they took no notice of him either.

    I shouldn't worry too much about them being together, if they are used to him then he is used to them too and can't imagine he is much of a threat x


    • #3
      You needn't worry about adult hens, they will defend themselves if need be. But generally I find cats and kittens steer well clear. Little fluffy chicks however are a different matter and I don't let mine out to roam until they are 6 weeks old, until then they are in wire topped runs that nothing can get into. By that stage they are big enough to be less interesting to the cats and also wings are fully feathered and they just take off like helicopters if anything looks like pouncing. I have 8 cats ranging from 5 months through to 14 years and not one so far has ever taken a chicken (although they do catch and kill partridges). In fact my leghorns really don't like the cats at all and if they venture into their enclosure they get rounded up swiftly and sent packing. It's rather funny watching a young kitten get a sharp peck on the bum for the first time!


      • #4
        Lol, thanks for that . I did begin to wonder whether my chickens were just a bit more 'special' than I'd thought up to now, and would willingly become a cat's dinner if asked nicely. The chicks are about 7.5 weeks now, and can move pretty quickly if necessary, although one of them (I'd have put down as dozey and timid) did walk calmly towards one of the kittens to investigate, which was a bit disturbing! It shot off though when the cat moved.
        sigpicGardening in France rocks!


        • #5
          We have cats coming over our 6ft fences and worrying the guinea pigs.

          One of these will put them off (they're already scared to "go" in our front garden)

          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            Rofl TS - that's one for OH's Xmas list I think
            sigpicGardening in France rocks!


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