The main breed that I keep are large utlity Light Sussex. I also keep Welsummers.
Last year, a friend gave me what he described as a trio of black Marans. I've bred quite a few of them this year and although they are very nice birds, I don't think that Maran is the only breed in their make up. I'm getting some beautiful plum coloured eggs from them rather than the typical brown ones.
Here are a few pictures of this years pullets.
This is one of my LS pullets, they are still my firm favourites. This is typical of the pullets that my birds are producing.

Here are some of the Marans.

I've reared eight pullets in total and this is the only one thats showing any colour other than black. Quite attractive though.

The parents of these pullets have absolutely out laid any of my Welsummers. Here are the eggs that I think have come from the Maran pullets. All I have to do now, is to keep their future offspring black in colour and try to get them to lay darker eggs. Simples.
Last year, a friend gave me what he described as a trio of black Marans. I've bred quite a few of them this year and although they are very nice birds, I don't think that Maran is the only breed in their make up. I'm getting some beautiful plum coloured eggs from them rather than the typical brown ones.
Here are a few pictures of this years pullets.
This is one of my LS pullets, they are still my firm favourites. This is typical of the pullets that my birds are producing.

Here are some of the Marans.

I've reared eight pullets in total and this is the only one thats showing any colour other than black. Quite attractive though.

The parents of these pullets have absolutely out laid any of my Welsummers. Here are the eggs that I think have come from the Maran pullets. All I have to do now, is to keep their future offspring black in colour and try to get them to lay darker eggs. Simples.