hi all,
can someone tell me if chickens wings need to be clipped yearly? my very curious rescue hen who we got a year ago ( i got wing clipped when we got her) has suddenly taken to trying to climb over our six foot fence onto my neighbours new summerhouse!!! the family witnessed her jumping onto the back of my garden bench and then flying onto the fence and then jumping onto the summerhouse roof at the weekend, she then proceeded to sashay like on catwalk all down the length of the six foot fence picking berries as she went! i finally got her back into my garden with a broom.
my neighbour this evening has told me he saw her on the summerhouse roof again the other morning, he is so nice and was more worried about her jumping over the big fence towards the road at back so he wasnt moaning just concerned for her safety. thank god he bird watches for a hobby. as they are habit forming creatures i have moved the bench away from the fence and put a broom up against the fence to deter her attempting again. when i phoned the poultry centre where her wings were clipped last time the lady said has she moulted as the wings could have grown since but i havent seen her moult? im thinking a visit to the poultry centre at wkend.
can someone tell me if chickens wings need to be clipped yearly? my very curious rescue hen who we got a year ago ( i got wing clipped when we got her) has suddenly taken to trying to climb over our six foot fence onto my neighbours new summerhouse!!! the family witnessed her jumping onto the back of my garden bench and then flying onto the fence and then jumping onto the summerhouse roof at the weekend, she then proceeded to sashay like on catwalk all down the length of the six foot fence picking berries as she went! i finally got her back into my garden with a broom.
my neighbour this evening has told me he saw her on the summerhouse roof again the other morning, he is so nice and was more worried about her jumping over the big fence towards the road at back so he wasnt moaning just concerned for her safety. thank god he bird watches for a hobby. as they are habit forming creatures i have moved the bench away from the fence and put a broom up against the fence to deter her attempting again. when i phoned the poultry centre where her wings were clipped last time the lady said has she moulted as the wings could have grown since but i havent seen her moult? im thinking a visit to the poultry centre at wkend.
