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Considering adding bantams to existing flock of hens - tips please


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  • Considering adding bantams to existing flock of hens - tips please

    Hi all,

    We have a small flock of 5 Barnevelder hens who are all just over a year old now. They get along with each other pretty well and have been together for 8 months (they came from 2 different breeders).

    I'm thinking of bringing some (2 or 3) Buff Sussex bantams into the flock (or maybe some Buff Plymouth Rocks bantams) just at add 'a little visual variety'.

    I feel happy dealing with the Barnevelder girls, but know nothing about bantams and how they might mix (or not) with the existing girls and whether they may have different needs.

    Any tips much appreciated!

    One concern is how good escapologists they are - we have 5 foot fence and no netting on top, and fir tree-like things that they might be able to 'climb up' and into the neighbours...

    Do we isolate for the first week and how should we introduce them?



  • #2
    Bantams are escapologists!!!!!!!!!! Even with clipped wings they can fly because they are so light weight. You may have to net the top of the run.
    Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


    • #3
      my main concern would be them being completely duffed in by the barnvelders! barnevelders can be quite feisty- think carefully before you introduce more birds. As for escaping, just clip the wing feathers on one wing to unbalance them. Are you introducing smaller bantams because the space is limited?


      • #4
        > Are you introducing smaller bantams because the space is limited?

        Space is limited (as it is for people with gardens ) - I think there's about 65 sq yards in the run.

        The main reason for getting some bantams is that they're so cute, and as they're not large fowl it will still primarily be a Barnevelder flock, plus some little friends :-)



        • #5
          Well, our silver laced wyandotte bantams could beat up a goose, so they might be a good one to go for. They can certainly hold there own! I do like feisty, funny wyandottes- they are so pretty- such a range of colours available- from lavender to buff to gold laced to......


          • #6
            Nah - get some Orloffs, much more interesting ! :0)


            • #7
              It's Buff Sussex bantams and Buff Plymouth Rocks for me - will contrast nicely with the dark Barnevelders... :-)


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